Image of Major Schwartz

Major Schwartz's Website

Hello! This is my website!

The past layout of this website was very stylish, but as of recently, I wanted a simpler look. Enjoy!


University Information
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Chattanooga, Tennessee
B.S. CS, Data Science - Grad Fall '24
M.S. CS, Data Science - Grad Fall '25
Bachelors - 3.96
Masters - 4.0

Chattanooga is a wonderful city and extremely walkable. It's also growing quickly. From 2010 to 2024, it's grown in population by 13.35%. It's been a lovely place to live and remains so!

Certs, Libraries, and Current Research
Oracle OCI - Certified Foundations Associate
MITx MicroMasters - Data Analysis: Statistical Modeling and Computation in Applications Certificate
FastAPI, Flask, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, PyTorch, Matplotlib, BeautifulSoup
React, Svelte, Node.js, WebSockets,, Google OAuth

I'm currently researching reasoning latent spaces and self-reflection algorithms for transformers. Current state-of-the-art language models fall short in both of these fields, and I'm working on improving them. If you're interested in this research, please contact me at my email above!

Additionally, I recently shipped an application that uses LLMs to generate educational content. It's called Quizable, and you can read more about it in the Projects section below.


Currently a Software Engineer Intern at Tennessee Valley Authority
Employment Information
Tennessee Valley Authority
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Software Engineer Intern
Start Date
January 2024
Loving it

My internship at TVA has been excellent so far. I've worked in a small team of developers, and we've been working on shipping an integration within the company. I've debugged issues, wrote unit tests, and I'm currently building a thorough understanding of how enterprise workflows, well... work.

For code specific development, I've increased my knowledge of large scale Java applications, from cron jobs to database comparison and manipulation. Also, my JavaScript understanding has been particularly helpful in determining frontend/backend communication errors and workarounds.

Previously a Web Editor and Research Assistant at UTC (my university)
Employment Information
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Web Editor and Research Assistant
Web Editor Dates
May 2022 - December 2023
Research Assistant Dates
April 2022 - April 2023

Working at UTC was a great experience. Being a Web Editor for the university allowed me to grow my coding ability while managing the content and images used on the university's main website, I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for text styling and functionality and PHP and Node.js in web projects.

For research work, I studied under Xiunan Wang. Our research paper focused on providing analytical comparisons between pandemic mobility data models. This paper involved using Python for data manipulation and visualization. Many libraries were involved in the analysis and graphing of the data, such as NumPy, Scikit-learn, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

Projects - Currently live!

LLMs know a lot. They know so much that they can generate text about nearly any topic. And as they continue to increase their knowledge and capabilities, they only become better and better teachers.

Quizable is a platform where people can enter the subject they'd like to learn about, and a roadmap of the subject is generated with topics and subtopics. Additionally, a quiz is provided at the end of each topic to test the user's knowledge.

Current Tech Stack: FastAPI, React, MongoDB, Redis, OpenAI, Google Auth, Docker, and AWS.

The application is currently live! Check it out at


Gupiteer is a project that centralizes LLMs. Instead of relying on multiple websites to find the LLM you'd like to use, Gupiteer provides a single location to switch between LLMs. It follows much of the same design as ChatGPT, including popular features such as conversation history. Additionally, the user only pays for usage, rather than a subscription fee. By allowing the user to enter their own API keys, the user only pays per request.

Tech Stack: Python/Flask for the serverside, React for the frontend, and OpenAI for their wonderful API.

Gupiteer's Github: Github

Previous Website

For three weeks (git history), starting on the last week of April 2023 and lasting a bit over halfway into May, I took it upon myself to make a fully functional, tremendously transitional, and rapidly responsive personal website. I destined to make it as great as my alliteration skills.

Oh, and all in three files. The project directory consisted of index.html, styles.css, and main.js. The three musketeers of web development.

I barred myself from using any frameworks for the sake of personal coding improvement. And it paid off.

Fifty-four commits later, I had built a custom JS animation handler, a breadth-first search transition algorithm for element fading, and pagination from scratch.

Tech Stack: HTML for the page, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for functionality.

Past Website Github: Github

Past Website (live): Go To Website